BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:94bce7c4ad311f9d43b1a9878f3fe1be DTSTAMP:20240901T031704Z SUMMARY:Which LeBow MS Degree Is Right for Me? DESCRIPTION: \n\nSearching for the right graduate program for you? Look no further!\nDrexel University's LeBow College of Business offers a range of master\nof science degrees — including STEM-designated degrees — and a \nportfolio of part-time\, full-time and online options. With specialized\ noptions and individualized career coaching\, each of our programs can\nbe customized to help you meet your future career goals.\n\nJoin the LeBow G raduate Enrollment team for a discussion about\nadmissions requirements\, methods of delivery\, curriculum\,\ncustomization options and more. Partic ipants will have the opportunity\nto ask questions and chat with our admis sions team at the end of the\npresentation.\n\nEVENT HIGHLIGHTS:\n\n* Lear n more about each of our master's programs and determine which\nis the bes t fit for you \n* Understand what is unique about the LeBow MS experience \n* Connect with admissions staff to learn more about our admissions\nproc ess and timing \n\nParticipants will receive the Zoom link upon registrati on.\n DTSTART:20241016T133000Z DTEND:20241016T143000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR