BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:e9f947599d4b8625cbe13d14a2b0ec6d DTSTAMP:20240927T035027Z SUMMARY:Why Choose Drexel and Philadelphia for Graduate Business School? DESCRIPTION: \n\nApplying to graduate school is not just about finding the right school\nbut the right city\, too. Join the Drexel LeBow Graduate Enr ollment\nteam to learn about the University's home in the City of Brotherl y\nLove and the Birth of Independence: Philadelphia! Located in\nPennsylva nia and mere hours away from New York City and Washington\,\nDC\, Philadel phia is the perfect blend of suburban and urban living and\nlearning.\n\nJ oin us for an insightful exploration of the unique advantages that\nDrexel University's LeBow College of Business and the vibrant city of\nPhiladelp hia offer to graduate business students.\n\n EVENT HIGHLIGHTS \n\n* Learn about our customizable programs\, including full-time\,\npart-time and onl ine MBA options\, specialized master's degrees and\nmore \n* Gather insigh ts about our experiential learning opportunities that\nintegrate real-worl d experience\, research-driven consulting projects\nand industry partnersh ips \n* Discover more about Drexel\, which considers Philadelphia — the\ nsixth-largest U.S. city — an extension of its campus \n* Envision your studies at Drexel LeBow\, where you can engage with\nthe Philadelphia comm unity\, solve real business problems and immerse\nyourself in this histori cal landmark \n\nDiscover why Drexel LeBow is the ideal choice for your gr aduate\nbusiness education.\n\nParticipants will receive the Zoom link upo n registration.\n DTSTART:20241114T143000Z DTEND:20241114T153000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR