BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2d537cb153c6dd9ce3ae3b8a406ae7f0 DTSTAMP:20240927T051454Z SUMMARY:An Inside Look: LeBow Graduate Programs Panel DESCRIPTION: \n\nSelecting the right graduate program is a big decision\, a nd we\nunderstand you may have some questions about pursuing a graduate\np rogram at Drexel University's LeBow College of Business. Graduate\nStudent Services is excited to invite you to AN INSIDE LOOK: LEBOW\nGRADUATE PROG RAMS PANEL to provide you with more information about our\nprograms and an swer your questions.\n\nWe will host a panel of LeBow's experienced facult y\, staff and current\nstudents to discuss topics including:\n\n*\nWELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Meet our admissions team and faculty.\n\n*\nPROGRAM OV ERVIEW: Learn about the curriculum\, specializations and\nunique features of the MBA and MS-BA programs.\n\n*\nADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Gather detail ed information about the\napplication process\, important deadlines and re quired documents.\n\n*\nSTUDENT LIFE: Gain insights into campus life\, stu dent organizations\nand networking opportunities.\n\n*\nQ&A SESSION: Ask q uestions and get personalized advice from our\nadmissions team and current students.\n\n*\nAND MORE!\n\nThe virtual session will be held in a panel- style format\, answering\nmany common questions we receive from prospectiv e students.\n\nRegistrants will receive a Zoom link upon registering.\n DTSTART:20241017T133000Z DTEND:20241017T143000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR