BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:121bd37c378a00f8ce4606baf6e814a2 DTSTAMP:20240927T034753Z SUMMARY:Overcoming Barriers: A Henderson Real Estate Institute Discussion a nd Reception DESCRIPTION: \n\nThe Wilbur C. Henderson Real Estate Institute\n[/faculty-r esearch/centers-institutes/henderson-real-estate-institute]\nin the Bennet t S. LeBow College of Business at Drexel University\, in\npartnership with The Goldie Initiative\n[]\, invite Drexel al umni\, students\,\nindustry leaders and friends to enjoy an exclusive even ing of\nconversation and networking.\n\nHear from keynote speaker and inau gural recipient of the Henderson\nInstitute’s Lifetime Achievement Award \, GOLDIE WOLFE MILLER\, on her\ngroundbreaking career in commercial real estate and her commitment to\nthe cultivation of female professionals in t he industry.\n\nThen\, listen as a panel of industry experts joins Goldie for a frank\ndiscussion on the commercial real estate industry\, the barri ers\nthey’ve faced and their unique perspectives on the future of the\ni ndustry\, followed by a Q&A with attendees. _(Panelists will be\nannounced soon.)_\n\nAgenda:\n\n * 6-7 p.m. Networking Reception\n * 7-7:15 p.m. Ke ynote\n * 7:15-8 p.m. Panel Discussion and Q&A\n\nCOMPLIMENTARY FOR DREXEL ALUMNI\, STUDENTS AND PARTNERS.\nPREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. _Includes p rogram and networking\nreception with hors d’oeuvres\, soft drinks\, bee r and wine (with\nvalid ID)._\n DTSTART:20241113T230000Z DTEND:20241114T010000Z LOCATION:The Pyramid Club\, 1735 Market Street\, Philadelphia\, PA 19102 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR