BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:34296c2e2bcff915d6fb9bfea30fb8af DTSTAMP:20240929T021140Z SUMMARY:Precisely’s Trust ’24 Data Summit DESCRIPTION: \n\nDrexel LeBow’s Center for Applied AI and Business Analyt ics invites\nundergraduate (pre-junior\, junior\, senior) and graduate bus iness\nanalytics students to join companies\, faculty\, staff and students for\nPrecisley’s Data and AI Trust’24 Summit. Precisely\, a global\nl eader in data integrity for Fortune 100 companies\, seeks to connect\nwith students in pursuit of knowledge and future careers in business\nand tech nology.\n\nThe summit will offer valuable insights about data and AI trend s\, with\nheadline keynote speaker Zack Kass (former go-to-market lead for \nOpenAI) and a panel discussion of experts featuring Dr. Murugan\nAnandar ajan\, PhD\, Professor of Decision Sciences and MIS. You will\nalso have t he chance to attend breakout sessions on topics related to\ndata and AI\, receive professional LinkedIn review with a headshot and\nexpand your netw ork. Students should dress in business casual attire\nfor the event and mu st register to attend any portion of the event. If\nstudents would like to learn more or attend breakout sessions\, please\nemail Dornella Harvey at\n\nAGENDA OUTLINE (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)\n\nTuesday\, Oct . 8\n\n8:00a –9:10a\n_Breakfast & Welcome_\n\n9:10a – 9:45a\n_Panel Di scussion Featuring Dr. Murugan Anandarajan\, PhD\, Professor of\nDecision Sciences and MIS_\n\n9:45a – 10:00a\nHIGHLIGHTING THE LEBOW & PRECISELY PARTNERSHIP THROUGH MS BUSINESS\nANALYTICS CAPSTONE COURSE\n\n10:00a – 1 1:15a\n_Precisely Presentations_\n\n11:15a – 12:00p\n_Headline keynote s peaker Zack Kass (former go-to-market lead for\nOpenAI)_\n\n12:00p –1:30 p\n_Networking Lunch_\n\n*Please note: LinkedIn Reviews & Headshots will b e offered between\n1:00p - 3:30p. Students can register for a time slot us ing the link in\nthe flyer sent in the email.\n DTSTART:20241008T120000Z DTEND:20241008T173000Z LOCATION:Drexel University (Main Campus)\, 3220 Market Street\, Gerri C. Le Bow Hall 031\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR