BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c40865468ded373b7abfbcd9d393b6b DTSTAMP:20241221T184904Z SUMMARY:Deliberately Different: Leading in a Changing World DESCRIPTION: \n\nTHE JUDITH VON SELDENECK SPEAKER SERIES PRESENTS: “DELIB ERATELY\nDIFFERENT: LEADING IN A CHANGING WORLD”\n\n_DISCUSSION AND NETW ORKING BREAKFAST_\n\nJoin Philadelphia area professionals and leaders for the launch of the\nJudith von Seldeneck Speaker Series at Drexel Universit y’s LeBow\nCollege of Business.\n\nDrexel LeBow alumni\, local women in business and friends will enjoy\nhearing from JUDITH M. “JUDEE” VON SE LDENECK\, founder and chair of\nDiversified Search Group (DSG) and 2021 Dr exel University Business\nLeader of the Year\, and AILEEN K. ALEXANDER\, D SG’s chief executive\nofficer\, in a discussion moderated by alumna REBE CCA BAGIN ’89\,\nfounder and president of R Bagin Partners.\n\nJudee and Aileen built their careers in two very different eras. Each\nstarted out in public service — Judee on Capitol Hill in the ’60s\nand Aileen in t he military in the ’90s. Each had a front-row seat to\nobserve leaders t hrough challenging and historic times. And they share\na common purpose: w idening the circle of leaders for a changing world.\n\nListen as Judee and Aileen draw from their inspiring leadership\njourneys. From Judee launchi ng the firm early in the women’s\nmovement to Aileen steering it through this transformational era\, they\nshare tough decisions\, personal memori es and observations about both\nthe timeless qualities and essential trait s for modern leaders.\n\nA Q&A with the speakers follows the conversation. Each attendee will\nalso receive a complimentary copy of Judee and Aileen ’s new book\,\n“DELIBERATELY DIFFERENT: FIFTY YEARS. TWO GENERATIONS. LEADING IN A\nCHANGING WORLD.”\n\n_The event is complimentary and includ es the program\, a copy of\n“Deliberately Different: Fifty Years. Two ge nerations. Leading in a\nChanging World.” and a breakfast buffet with co ffee\, tea and juices.\nPreregistration is required._\n\nABOUT THE SPEAKER SERIES\n\nThe Judith von Seldeneck Speaker Series is offered through a\np artnership of the Bennett S. LeBow College of Business at Drexel\nUniversi ty and Diversified Search Group. It brings together thought\nleaders for d ynamic conversations highlighting women in leadership and\nexploring key c oncepts critical to effectively leading in today’s\nbusiness world.\n DTSTART:20241119T123000Z DTEND:20241119T143000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, DiPiero Grand Meeting Room and Rose Terrace\ , 3220 Market Street\, Room 220\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR