BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:614c22ab2b8fe31f2c629f9f4bdaf7ac DTSTAMP:20240927T051153Z SUMMARY:Call for LeBowX Speakers DESCRIPTION: \n\nLeBowX provides a platform for four LeBow community member s to present\n5- to 7-minute\, TED Talk–inspired presentations focused o n\ndiversity\, equity and inclusion (DEI). This event is open to the\nenti re University.\n\nLEBOWX IS TENTATIVELY SET TO TAKE PLACE ON WEDNESDAY\, N OV. 7 AT 5 P.M.\nEST. SPEAKER APPLICATIONS ARE CURRENTLY OPEN\, AND THE DE ADLINE TO\nAPPLY IS WEDNESDAY\, OCT. 16 AT MIDNIGHT.\n\nSPEAKER REQUIREMEN TS\n\n * Speakers must be currently enrolled Drexel LeBow undergraduate or \ngraduate students\, LeBow faculty/staff members or they must be LeBow\na lumni\n * Speakers will have 5 to 7 minutes to talk about the topic of the ir\nchoice (within reason\, and as long as it fits the DEI Action Group’ s\nmission)\n * Potential speakers must submit an essay as to why they fee l\npassionately about a certain topic\, why they want to share their story \nand an abridged version of their speech. Questions to consider: _Why\ndo you care about diversity and inclusion? What does it mean to you?\nWhy is it important? What is your connection to the topic? What is\nyour story? Why do you want to share your story? If given the\nopportunity to share yo ur story with Drexel\, how would you present\nit?_ Use this opportunity to begin framing your speech. (Note: We\ndon’t expect you to have your spe ech fully developed\, but having\nideas and topics you want to discuss wil l help your mentors align your\nvision with action.)\n * Speaker applicati ons are currently open and will close on\nWednesday\, Oct. 16.\n\nRESOURCE S AND INCENTIVES AVAILABLE TO STUDENT SPEAKERS\n\n * Public-speaking coach /sessions\n * Rehearsals in front of DEI Action Group to provide construct ive\nfeedback\n\n DTSTART:20241017T035900Z DTEND:20241017T035900Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR