BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:9db4f61662c196891c560f8abb961d42 DTSTAMP:20241016T080245Z SUMMARY:Raj & Kamla Gupta Governance Institute\, Drexel University 2025 Aca demic Conference Call For Papers DESCRIPTION: \n\nCALL FOR PAPERS FOR 18TH ANNUAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ACADE MIC\nCONFERENCE AT DREXEL UNIVERSITY In collaboration with the European\nC orporate Governance Institute (ECGI) and the Society for Financial\nStudie s (SFS)\, the Raj & Kamla Gupta Governance Institute at Drexel\nUniversity invites papers in any area related to corporate governance\,\nwhich inclu des topics related to the board of directors\, compensation\,\nownership s tructure\, shareholder activism\, mergers\, private equity\,\ncapital stru cture as a form of governance\, ESG-related issues\,\ncorporate governance regulation\, talent management\, political economy\nof corporate governan ce\, etc.\n\nThe conference will take place on Friday\, April 11\, 2025.\n \nThe conference this year offers an optional dual submission to the\nRevi ew of Corporate Finance Studies (RCFS).\n\nSUBMISSION DEADLINE: Monday\, D ecember 30\, 2024 (11:59pm)\n\nSUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS\n\n * To be eligibl e for submission\, the paper must still be at a\nrevisable stage (i.e.\, n either published nor so close to publication\nthat significant changes are not feasible) by the date of the\nconference.\n * When uploading your pap er (in pdf format)\, please save the file\nname as follows: All Authors’ Last Names.pdf. Submitting Author’s\nname should be first and in all ca ps. For example:\nWALKLING-Schlingemann-Stulz.pdf.\n * There is a non-refu ndable submission fee of $95 per paper [the\nsubmission fee is waived for papers by PhD students]\n * After registering and paying (payment waived f or PhD students)\,\nyou will receive by email a link to a page where you c an submit your\npaper and select the dual submission option.\n * The submi tting author will be informed of the conference decision\nby the end of Fe bruary 2025.\n\nPROGRAM COMMITTEE: David Becher (Drexel)\; Jay Cai (Drexel )\; Jeffrey\nColes (Utah)\; Naveen Daniel (Drexel)\; Diane Del Guercio (Or egon)\;\nDavid Denis (Pittsburgh)\; Daniel Dorn (Drexel)\; Eli Fich (Drexe l)\;\nLaura Field (Delaware)\; Nick Gantchev (Warwick)\; Todd Gormley (WAS HU)\;\nTom Griffin (Villanova)\; Jarrad Harford (Washington)\; Peter Iliev \n(Penn State)\; Wei Jiang (Emory)\; Dalida Kadyrzhanova (Federal Reserve\ nBoard)\; Joseph Kalmenovitz (Rochester)\; Jonathan Karpoff (Washington)\; \nTanja Kirmse (Miami OH)\; Michelle Lowry (Drexel)\; Nadya Malenko\n(Bost on College)\; Lalitha Naveen (Temple)\; Ed Nelling (Drexel)\; Greg\nNini ( Drexel)\; Micah Officer (Loyola Marymount)\; Gordon Phillips\n(Dartmouth)\ ; Anh Tran (City London)\; Paolo Volpin (Drexel)\; Michael S.\nWeisbach (O SU)\; Jared Wilson (Indiana)\; Tracie Woidtke (Tennessee)\;\nYuhai Xuan (C alifornia Irvine)\; Ke Yang (Lehigh)\; David Yermack (NYU).\n DTSTART:20241002T130000Z DTEND:20241231T045900Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR