BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:06a711b5a32ac4eb3e47c1f679f5a620 DTSTAMP:20241115T211535Z SUMMARY:2025 Marketing Crisis Challenge for Graduate Students DESCRIPTION: \n\nThe Dornsife Office for Experiential Learning will offer t he 2025\nMarketing Crisis Challenge for LeBow graduate students.\n\nWHAT I S THE MARKETING CRISIS CHALLENGE?\n\nDrexel LeBow’s Marketing Crisis Cha llenge is a one-day competition\nthat brings together teams of graduate st udents to come up with\ninsightful marketing plans in response to a real-w orld crisis facing a\ncompany.\n\nIn preparation for the challenge\, gradu ate students will form teams of\nfive to seven individuals. Groups will be tasked with crafting a\nresponse to a marketing-related crisis facing a c ompany. During the\nevent\, students will research the industry and apply what they’ve\nlearned from their program coursework to create and presen t a\nrecommended crisis management plan.\n\nAt the conclusion of the event \, teams present their recommendations to\na panel of industry and faculty judges.\n\nStudents will use their own laptops for research and to create their\npresentations. Meals and refreshments will be provided to\npartici pants.\n\nPARTICIPANT ELIGIBILITY\n\nTo be eligible to participate\, team members must be currently enrolled\nin a Drexel LeBow graduate program. In dividuals who register will be\ncontacted closer to the event to form and/ or confirm teams.\n\nEVENT TIMELINE\n\nTimeline is tentative and subject t o change.\n\nFRIDAY\, MARCH 7\, 2025 \n8 a.m.: Team check-in\; breakfast a vailable \n_All team members must be present and checked in prior to the e vent\nkickoff at 8:30 a.m. Individuals not present for check-in will forfe it\ntheir ability to participate._ \n8:30 a.m.: Event begins\; issue prese nted to teams \n9:30 a.m.: Teams begin working on projects (Work Session 1 ) \n12 p.m.: Working lunch \n1 p.m.: Teams finalize presentations (Work Se ssion 2) \n3 p.m.: Team presentations \n4 p.m.: Awards and debrief\n DTSTART:20250307T133000Z DTEND:20250307T220000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, TBD\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR