BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:f636245df05e954d58823214e49c5d81 DTSTAMP:20241128T035641Z SUMMARY:All About the LeBow Graduate Application and Applicant Q&A DESCRIPTION: \n\nAre you ready to take the next step in your academic journ ey at Drexel\nUniversity's LeBow College of Business?\n\nJoin the the LeBo w Graduate Admissions team for an in-depth virtual\ninformation session fo cused on the application process for LeBow MBA\nand specialized MS program s. This session is designed to provide you\nwith all the details you need to submit a strong graduate application!\nYou'll get detailed information on all components\, including writing\nstandout essays\, securing compelli ng letters of recommendations\,\nrequesting academic transcripts\, and the test scores necessary for\nadmission.\n\nEvent Highlights:\n\n* Overview of the LeBow graduate application process. \n* Tips and tricks about how t o assemble your strongest application. \n* Scholarship and funding opportu nities for qualified candidates. \n* Application deadlines and program ava ilability by term. \n* Interactive Q&A with the LeBow Graduate Admissions team. \n\n_ _\n\nRegistrants will receive the Zoom link upon registration. \n\nTHIS EVENT IS ELIGIBLE FOR AN APPLICATION FEE WAIVER.\n DTSTART:20250212T143000Z DTEND:20250212T153000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR