BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:33f4441136286a4c94d022272ae32c81 DTSTAMP:20250205T135439Z SUMMARY:Executive Summit - "Innovation: Readiness\, Relevance and Reimagina tion" DESCRIPTION: \n\nBE A PART OF THE CONVERSATION SHAPING THE NEXT ERA OF INNO VATION!\n\nRegister today for the 16th Annual Drexel LeBow Executive Summi t\nexploring “Innovation: Readiness\, Relevance and Reimagination.”\nT he half-day conference brings together visionary business leaders to\ndisc over the transformative potential and implementation of emerging\ntechnolo gies\, including generative AI.\n\nGain actionable insights on integrating cutting-edge technologies into\nyour business strategies—no matter your industry or scale—ensuring\nyour organization remains adaptable\, impac tful and future-ready.\nThrough a dynamic keynote talk\, engaging panel di scussion\, interactive\nactivities and networking opportunities\, you’ll learn how to assess\nopportunities to innovate\, streamline processes and build customer\nengagement to prepare you for tomorrow\, stay relevant an d reimagine\nwhat’s possible.\n\nTentative Agenda:\n\n * 12:30-1 p.m. Ne tworking Lunch\n * 1-4 p.m. Program with Keynote Talk\n * 4-5 p.m. Network ing Reception\n\n_The full agenda and lineup of presenters will be announc ed soon!_\n\nWhether you are a seasoned executive\, an aspiring entreprene ur or a\nprofessional looking to expand your expertise\, the Executive Sum mit is\ndesigned to inspire and equip you to lead in a technology-driven\n world.\n\n$100 PER PERSON \nEARLY BIRD PRICE: $85 PER PERSON IF REGISTERED BY MARCH 31\, 2025 \n_Includes program\, lunch and reception with beer\, wine and soft\ndrinks. Regular pricing begins April 1\, 2025._\n\nHosted b y the Corporate and Executive Education Alumni Council\n[https://www.lebow ive-education-alumni].\n\nABOUT THE EXECUTIVE SUMMIT\n\nThe Drexel LeBow E xecutive Summit is an annual\, continuing education\nconference that featu res and brings together industry innovators\,\nthought leaders and subject matter experts focused on a relevant and\ntimely theme.\n\nThe Executive Summit provides a unique experience by combining the\nexchange of industry insights and inspiration with leadership\ndevelopment and networking oppo rtunities\, bringing together top\nbusiness professionals in the Philadelp hia community.\n\nRegistration for the Executive Summit is open to all Dre xel alumni\,\npartners and business leaders.\n\nRead about last year’s S ummit\, “AI Automation and Job\nDisruption”\n[/news/ai-automation-and- job-disruption-lead-15th-annual-executive-summit].\n\nSPONSORSHIP OPPORTUN ITIES\n\nSeveral sponsorship opportunities are available for you or your\n company. Check out the 2025 Exec Summit Sponsorship Packages\n[/sites/defa ult/files/2025-01/executive-summit-sponsorship-2025.pdf]\nfor a menu of op portunities and contact Lara Etheredge at\ to learn more. \n DTSTART:20250501T163000Z DTEND:20250501T210000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, DiPiero Grand Meeting Room and Rose Terrace\ , 3220 Market Street\, Rooms 220-221\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR