BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d0d8488ded482189d72370be89bb9782 DTSTAMP:20250124T211219Z SUMMARY:Yao Zeng\, PhD\, Wharton School of Business\, University of Pennsyl vania DESCRIPTION: \n\nI work on the intersection of asset pricing and corporate finance with\na focus on financial intermediation\, and received my PhD in Economics\nfrom Harvard University in 2016.\n\nMy current agenda explores how new technologies and non-bank entrants\nshape the landscape and evolu tion of money\, banking\, payments and the\nfinancial stability and macroe conomic implications.\n\nA recent webinar at PIIE (with slides) on Basel I II Endgame and its\nimplications on banks and financial markets\, an op-ed on the Silicon\nValley Bank collapse and a blog post on mutual funds summ arize my\nresearch and views on financial stability risks and how we can f ight\nagainst them.\n\nWORKING PAPERS\n\n“Tracing the Impact of Payment Convenience on Deposits: Evidence\nfrom Depositor Activeness\,” with Xu Lu and Yang Song\n\nMedia Mentions: Knowledge@Wharton\n\nPreviously circul ated as “The Making of an Alert Depositor: How\nPayment and Interest Dri ve Deposit Dynamics”\n\n“Payments\, Reserves\, and Financial Fragility \,” with Itay Goldstein\nand Ming Yang\n\nSELECTED PUBLICATIONS\n\n“Ba nk Debt\, Mutual Fund Equity\, and Swing Pricing in Liquidity\nProvision\, ” with Yiming Ma and Kairong Xiao\n\nReview of Financial Studies\, forth coming\n\nMentioned in the SEC’s proposed rule on Open-End Fund Liquidit y Risk\nManagement Programs and Swing Pricing\n\nMentioned in the SEC’s proposed rule on Money Market Fund Reforms\n\nMedia Mentions: Wharton Init iative on Financial Policy and Regulation\n\n“FinTech Lending and Cashle ss Payments\,” with Pulak Ghosh and\nBoris Vallee\n\nJournal of Finance\ , forthcoming\n\nMedia Mentions: Knowledge@Wharton\n DTSTART:20250124T153000Z DTEND:20250124T170000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 722\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR