BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:66496477170c451f32e35fcf54cce643 DTSTAMP:20250222T060317Z SUMMARY:Olivier Darmouni\, PhD\, Columbia Business School DESCRIPTION: \n\nRESEARCH INTERESTS\n\nCredit markets\, monetary policy\, e nergy transition\n\nWORKING PAPERS\n\nBrown Capital (Re)Allocation with Yu qi Zhang. New version coming soon!\nData on Coal Power Plant Ownership in Europe\n\nWe study who owns coal power plants – the largest single sourc e of\ncarbon emissions – in Europe. A sharp increase in private firms’ \nownership was met by a large decline in public equity ownership. This\nd ecline was not driven by public equity investors selling plants\, but\nby their scaling down of plants quickly. State investors played a\ncrucial ro le\, selling to private firms and slowly scaling down their\nplants. We ca librate a model in which asset owners vary in how they\nvalue externalitie s. Nationalization by state investors that value\nsocial factors (jobs\, “energy security”) can hinder “green\nfinance” in decreasing emiss ions.\n\nNon-Bank Lending to Mid-Size Firms in Europe: Evidence from Corpo rate\nSecurities with Melina Papoutsi. New version!\n\nUsing newly availab le micro-data\, this paper documents new evidence on\nthe rise of non-bank credit to mid-size firms in the euro area. Recent\nnew issuers of debt se curities are typically small\, private\, and\nunrated. Their spreads are c omparable to high-yield bonds. Traditional\n“buy-and-hold” investors a re small for unrated and smaller\nissuers\, while non-bank intermediaries are large. These non-bank\nintermediaries were however as stabilizing as i nsurers during the\nMarch 2020 turmoil. Nevertheless\, the subsequent bond issuance wave\nwas restricted to large and rated firms. This market thus more closely\nresembles “private debt” markets than the traditional bo nd market.\n DTSTART:20250221T153000Z DTEND:20250221T170000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 722\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR