BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1a7981b4067480fce24aa0778aff194c DTSTAMP:20250205T125402Z SUMMARY:DLBAN Black History Month Alumni Meetup DESCRIPTION: \n\nRAISE A GLASS TO HISTORY\, COMMUNITY AND CONNECTION WITH T HE DREXEL\nLEBOW BLACK ALUMNI NETWORK\n[ /alumni-and-engagement/alumni-groups/drexel-lebow-black-alumni-network]!\n \nGather with fellow alumni and friends at Two Locals Brewing Co.\n[https: //]\, Philadelphia’s first\nBlack-owned brewery in University City\, and enjoy a fun and lively\nevening complete with Tw o Locals’ brews\, ciders and wine and a menu\nof hoagies\, tomato pie\, broccoli pie\, charcuterie\, chips and dip\, and\nsnacks.\n\nWhether you ’re a craft beer enthusiast or just looking for an\nopportunity to celeb rate and connect\, you’re sure to have a great\ntime!\n\n$5 PER PERSON \ n_Includes sandwiches and snacks\, Two Locals draft beers\, ciders\, wine\ ,\nsoft drinks and water._\n DTSTART:20250226T230000Z DTEND:20250227T010000Z LOCATION:Two Locals Brewing Co.\, 3675 Market Street (Enter on 37th Street) \, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR