BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ce77c35f16bff9ea3c55fc408e99fe10 DTSTAMP:20250222T155312Z SUMMARY:Drexel LeBow Graduate Virtual Open House DESCRIPTION: \n\nAre you ready to take the next step in your academic journ ey? Drexel\nUniversity's LeBow College of Business invites you to learn mo re about\nour customizable MBA and specialized MS Programs! Join the LeBow \nGraduate Enrollment team virtually for an opportunity to explore our\ngr aduate programs that can help you achieve your academic and career\nambiti ons.\n\nLearn more about:\n\n* Applying to the LeBow College of Business. \n* Scholarship opportunities for qualified candidates. \n* The customizab le MBA curriculum\, including our Accelerated\nFull-Time MBA. \n* Our exte nsive portfolio of specialized MS business programs. \n* STEM-designated p rograms and STEM concentrations. \n* Other specialization options\, includ ing graduate minors\,\nconcentrations and more. \n* Experiential learning opportunities\, such as internships\,\nconsulting projects\, international residencies and more. \n* Career support through resources and programmin g\, such as career\ncounseling\, professional development and job-search c oaching. \n\nRegistrants will receive the Zoom link upon registration.\n\n THIS EVENT IS ELIGIBLE FOR AN APPLICATION FEE WAIVER.\n\nApplicants intere sted in the LeBow PhD program should contact the\nLeBow PhD admissions tea m at for assistance.\n DTSTART:20250314T150000Z DTEND:20250314T160000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR