BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:8531d8114d8fdad2c479c15f8a63e095 DTSTAMP:20250222T161558Z SUMMARY:LeBow Graduate Admissions Virtual Drop-In Hours DESCRIPTION: \n\nNo matter where you are in your LeBow graduate business ap plication\njourney — whether you're just beginning\, have recently submi tted\nyour application\, or have already received a decision — we invite \nyou to drop by our informal question-and-answer session. This is your\nc hance to speak with the Drexel LeBow Graduate Student Services\nEnrollment team. Come prepared with your questions and get the answers\nyou need!\n\ nLearn more about:\n\n* Applying to the LeBow College of Business. \n* The Drexel LeBow MBA programs\, including on-campus and online\noptions. \n* Our extensive portfolio of specialized MS business programs. \n* STEM-desi gnated programs and STEM concentrations. \n* Other specialization options\ , including graduate minors\,\nconcentrations and more. \n* Experiential l earning opportunities\, such as internships\,\nconsulting projects\, inter national residencies and more. \n* Scholarship opportunities for qualified candidates. \n* Career support through resources and programming\, such a s career\ncounseling\, professional development and job-search coaching. \ n\nTHE LEBOW GRADUATE ADMISSIONS VIRTUAL DROP-IN SESSION IS A GROUP Q&A\nF OR THE DREXEL LEBOW MBA AND SPECIALIZED MS PROGRAMS ONLY. Applicants\ninte rested in discussing the LeBow PhD program should contact the\nLeBow PhD a dmissions team at for assistance.\n\nRegistrants will receive the Zoom link upon registration. On the day\nof the event\, you ma y log on any time between 9–10 a.m. EDT and exit\nonce your questions ar e answered.\n\nNOTE: This event is not eligible for an application fee wai ver.\n DTSTART:20250328T130000Z DTEND:20250328T140000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR