BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:f4f0353eb97d5f842486f788c70bec57 DTSTAMP:20250130T224607Z SUMMARY:17th Annual Directors Dialogue Dinner DESCRIPTION: \n\nTHE 17TH ANNUAL RAJ & KAMLA GUPTA GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE DIR ECTORS\nDIALOGUE DINNER:\n\nGOVERNANCE AND THE ART OF IMPRESSIONS\n\nThe a nnual Directors Dialogue Dinner brings together more than 100\ncorporate d irectors\, C-level executives and business leaders for an\nevening of dini ng\, networking and a keynote address by thought leaders\nin corporate gov ernance. It is the Gupta Governance Institute’s\nsignature event and is considered by many to be one of the region’s\nforemost corporate governa nce events of the year.\n\nDINNER PROGRAM\n\nJoin us in the Walter and Leo nore Annenberg Court.\n\n * 5:30 p.m. Networking and Cocktail Reception\n * 7:00 p.m. Dinner and Keynote\n\nKEYNOTE SPEAKERS\n\nThe dinner kicks off with a fireside chat featuring:\n\n * OSCAR MUNOZ [/affiliate-bios/oscar- munoz]\, Former CEO and\nChairman\, United Airlines\; Director\, Salesforc e\, TelevisaUnivision\,\nCBRE\, Cleerly\, Archer Aviation\, and the Pentag on’s Defense Business\nBoard\n * SABASTIAN NILES [/affiliate-bios/sabast ian-niles]\, President and\nChief Legal Officer\, Salesforce\n\nDURING THE RECEPTION\, GUESTS WILL ALSO HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO PREVIEW\nTHE BARNES ’S NEWEST EXHIBITION\, _CECILY BROWN: THEMES AND VARIATIONS\n[https://ww and-variations]_\,\nBEFORE THE PUBLIC OPENING.\n\nDinner directly follows Directors Dialogue\, an invitation-only\,\nhalf-day program limited to 40 sitting directors and CEOs designed by\ncorporate governance leaders to pr omote candid discussions of\nimportant governance topics.\n\nSPONSORSHIP O PPORTUNITIES\n\nContact Chavonne Hoyle\, senior director of the Gupta Gove rnance\nInstitute\, with any questions or to learn about sponsorship\noppo rtunities at\n DTSTART:20250306T223000Z DTEND:20250307T020000Z LOCATION:The Barnes Foundation\, 2025 Ben Franklin Parkway\, Philadelphia\, PA 19130 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR