BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1c672da86c3c30378d430a3d683ffeb9 DTSTAMP:20250220T222757Z SUMMARY:From Academia to Industry: Breaking Barriers to Success DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin Graduate Career Services for an inspiring and informa tive virtual\nsession with Isha Yadav\, a former LeBow international gradu ate student\nwho successfully navigated the challenges of building a caree r in the\nUS. Now thriving with a full-time role at Amazon and holding an H1-B\nvisa\, Isha will share her journey\, including strategies for job\ns earching\, networking and standing out as an international candidate.\nLea rn valuable tips and tricks for breaking into the US job market and\ngain insights on how to position yourself for success.\n\nDon’t miss this opp ortunity to gain first-hand knowledge from\nsomeone who’s been in your s hoes and succeeded!\n DTSTART:20250219T170000Z DTEND:20250219T180000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR