BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a2904ca56fb75d8b8851eaefaccef3a3 DTSTAMP:20250313T175648Z SUMMARY:Virtual Employer Spotlight: Advertising Specialty Institute DESCRIPTION: \n\nAdvertising Specialty Institute (ASI) is the largest\nbusi ness-to-business media organization for the promotional product\nand adver tising industry\, offering award-winning publishing\, marketing\nand ASI e -commerce services to over 24\,000 members. We produce\ncatalogs\, directo ries\, newsletters\, magazines\, websites\, databases and\ncutting-edge in teractive business tools. The company is headquartered\nin Trevose\, PA\, just north of Philadelphia. For more information\, go\nto [].\n\nASI hosts interns within a variety of depa rtments including finance\,\naccounting\, marketing\, digital advertising operations\, HR\, product\ndevelopment\, software engineering\, UX design\ , etc. During their\ninternship with ASI\, our interns have the opportunit y to collaborate\nand work on summer long projects with other interns\, at tend lunches\nwith our CEO and Chairman of ASI\, and participate in a vari ety of fun\nlearning and social activities\, while gaining hands-on experi ence in\ntheir areas. The internships are primarily in-person\; the compan y is\nlocated in Trevose PA\, just north of Philadelphia. The company will \nconsider international students. Both MBA\, MS and undergraduate\nstuden ts are being sought.\n\nRegistrants will receive a Zoom Link and a reminde r will be sent on\nthe morning of the event.\n DTSTART:20250211T180000Z DTEND:20250211T190000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR