BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:feb94c09f15ac3aeafe3148c4c0193b1 DTSTAMP:20250303T104457Z SUMMARY:Drexel Women in Business Alumnae Brunch DESCRIPTION: \n\nSOLD OUT!\n\nTHIS EVENT HAS SOLD OUT. IF YOU’D LIKE TO B E ADDED TO A WAITING\nLIST\, PLEASE EMAIL LCBEVENTS@DREXEL.EDU AND YOU WIL L BE CONTACTED IF\nSPACES IN THE ORDER REQUESTS ARE RECEIVED.\n\nCOMMEMORA TE WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH AND INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY AT\nA CELEBRATO RY BRUNCH WITH DREXEL WOMEN IN BUSINESS (DWIB) ALUMNAE AND\nMEMBERS!\n\nDr exel alumnae and current students are invited to join current DWIB\nmember s for a keynote talk by the inaugural _Drexel Women in Business\nDistingui shed Alumnae Award_ recipient\, businesswoman and author\,\nSHEFALI KARANI ’10\, MBA ’13\, along with networking opportunities\nand a tasty menu of brunch favorites.\n\nFormer DWIB members will also be officially induc ted into a new Drexel\nWomen in Business Alumnae Network\, extending their connection into a\nprofessional network of Drexel alumnae in industry.\n\ nFree for Drexel alumnae\, current students\, faculty and professional\nst aff.\n\nPREREGISTRATION BY MONDAY\, MARCH 3\, 2025\, IS REQUIRED.\n\n_Spon sored by Drexel Alumni\n[]._ \n DTSTART:20250309T150000Z DTEND:20250309T170000Z LOCATION:Behrakis Grand Hall\, 32nd and Chestnut Streets\, Philadelphia\, P A 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR