BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:95cabded8e14780d9afb1073c3154eb3 DTSTAMP:20250317T005452Z SUMMARY:Leading in the C-Suite and Boardroom: Navigating the Changing World DESCRIPTION: \n\nTHE JUDITH VON SELDENECK SPEAKER SERIES PRESENTS\n“LEADI NG IN THE C-SUITE AND BOARDROOM: NAVIGATING THE CHANGING\nWORLD”\n\nDraw ing from their own experiences\, a panel of accomplished leaders\nexplores the evolution of the boardroom and C-suite\, navigating the\nchanging cur rents of today’s corporate world. The panelists share\ntheir thoughts on what it takes to be successful at the top today and\ninsights on their ap proaches to shifts in regulation\, culture and\npublic perception.\n\nThis dynamic conversation delves into the challenges\, changes and\nopportunit ies of a shifting corporate and social climate\, and\nattendees can engage directly with the panelists in a Q&A session\nfollowing the discussion.\n \nAgenda:\n\n * 5:30-6 p.m. Networking Reception\n * 6:6:05 p.m. Welcome R emarks – JUDITH M. VON SELDENECK\n[ e-bios/judith-m-von-seldeneck/]\,\nfounder and chair\, Diversified Search Group\n * 6:05-7:05 p.m. Panel Discussion – _Panelists to be announced_ \n * 7:05-7:30 p.m. Q&A\n\nCo-hosted by the Raj & Kamla Gupta Governance I nstitute\n[ s/gupta-governance-institute/]\nat Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business and Diversified\nSearch Group [].\n\n_Prere gistration is requested. The evening includes the program\, hors\nd’oeuv res\, beer\, wine\, coffee\, tea and soft drinks._\n\nABOUT THE SPEAKER SE RIES\n\nThe Judith von Seldeneck Speaker Series is offered through a\npart nership of the Bennett S. LeBow College of Business at Drexel\nUniversity and Diversified Search Group. It brings together thought\nleaders for dyna mic conversations highlighting women in leadership and\nexploring key conc epts critical to effectively leading in today’s\nbusiness world.\n DTSTART:20250402T213000Z DTEND:20250402T233000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, DiPiero Grand Meeting Room and Rose Terrace\ , 3220 Market Street\, Rooms 220/221\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR