BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3b38cbb274bf1833c3a241da95f6ba58 DTSTAMP:20250328T175428Z SUMMARY:Which Drexel LeBow MBA Program Is Right for Me? DESCRIPTION: \n\nSEARCHING FOR THE RIGHT MBA PROGRAM? Whether you want to a ccelerate\nyour career with our full-time program or need the flexibility of\npart-time or online options\, this session will help you find the\nper fect fit for your lifestyle. Discover the unique features of Drexel\nLeBow 's Accelerated Full-Time MBA\, flexible Part-Time MBA\, and Online\nMBA. L earn how you can tailor your MBA experience with STEM-designated\nconcentr ations\, experiential learning opportunities\, and personalized\ncareer co aching to align with your career goals.\n\nJoin the LeBow Graduate Enrollm ent team for a discussion about\nadmissions requirements\, method of deliv ery\, curriculum\, customization\noptions and more. Participants will have the opportunity to ask\nquestions and chat with our admissions team at th e end of the\npresentation.\n\nEvent highlights:\n\n* Overview of LeBow MB A Programs and determine which modality is the\nbest fit for you. \n* Cust omization opportunities\, including STEM designated options. \n* Understan d what is unique about the LeBow MBA experience. \n* Connect with MBA admi ssions staff to learn more about our\nadmissions process. \n\nRegistrants will receive the Zoom link upon registration.\n\nTHIS EVENT IS ELIGIBLE FO R AN APPLICATION FEE WAIVER.\n DTSTART:20250513T133000Z DTEND:20250513T143000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR