BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4dd5294cf4f5b868974f620c15022527 DTSTAMP:20240717T133355Z SUMMARY:A View from the Top with Ali Velshi\, chief business correspondent and anchor of Your Money and World Business Today on CNN DESCRIPTION: \n\nLeBow College of Business and the Rudman Institute for Ent ertainment\nIndustry Studies Present:\n\nA View from the Top with Ali Vels hi\, chief business correspondent and\nanchor of Your Money and World Busi ness Today on CNN\n\nDecember 3\, 2012 Discussion: 6:30 p.m. Reception: 7: 30 p.m.\n\nConnecting the news through finance\, global issues\, contempor ary\ngovernance\, education and big ideas\, CNN’s Ali Velshi executes\ns everal roles across CNN as the network’s chief business\ncorrespondent a nd anchor of Your Money and World Business Today on CNN\nInternational.\n\ nIn addition to his anchor responsibilities\, Velshi frequently reports\nf rom the field on breaking news events\, politics\, and in-depth\npersonal profiles that offer insights into global issues. He covered\nthe impact of the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico\, including\nexclusive access with the U.S. Coast Guard on a controlled oil burn.\nHe profiled a homeowner f or several weeks who navigated\nPhiladelphia’s mandatory court program\, hoping to save his home from\nforeclosure. He spoke with Haitian Prime Mi nister Jean-Max Bellerive\,\nCoca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent and Inter-American Development Bank\nPresident Luis Alberto Moreno in their first television interview\ntogether about Operation Haiti Hope\, a significant non-aid inv estment\ninto Haiti after the devastating earthquake. He uncovered everyth ing\nit takes to fly the friendly skies with exclusive behind-the-scenes\n access to United Airlines’ Operations Control Center in Chicago. He\nhas extensively reported on the global financial meltdown since 2008\;\nthe f inancial collapses of Fannie Mae\, Freddie Mac\, AIG and Lehman\nBrothers\ ; the U.S. government’s bailout plan\; the battle over the\nfate of the American big three automakers\; and the U.S. debt ceiling\nand budget deba te.\n\nVelshi’s guests range from Joanne Herring\, the Houston business\ nwoman and socialite portrayed by Julia Roberts in Charlie Wilson’s\nWar \, to White House Economic Advisors and presidential candidates\, to\nmusi cian and AIDS activist Annie Lennox\, to Dr. Maya Angelou\, to Ford\nCEO A lan Mulally\, to 11 year old Marcelas Owens\, a health care reform\nactivi st who lost his mother and stood next to President Barack Obama\nas he sig ned the health care reform bill.\n\nVelshi’s in-depth reporting for CNN ’s How The Wheels Came Off was\nhonored with a National Headliner Award for Business & Consumer\nReporting in 2010. He anchored CNN’s breaking n ews coverage of the\nattempted terror attack on a flight into Detroit\, de livering CNN’s\nworldwide newsgathering for which the network was nomina ted for a 2010\nEmmy. He was also honored with a 2010 Alumni Achievement A ward from\nhis alma mater\, Queen’s University.\n\nPreviously\, Velshi w as an anchor with CNNfn\, where he hosted various\ninteractive shows\, inc luding Your Money\, Business Unusual\, Insights\,\nStreet Sweep and The Mo ney Gang. Before joining CNNfn in 2001\, he\nhosted The Business News\, Ca nada’s first and only prime-time\nbusiness news hour\, airing nightly on Report on Business Television.\n\nEarlier in his career\, Velshi worked a s a business anchor for Cable\nPulse 24 and sister station\, CITY TV in To ronto\, and as a reporter for\nCFTO-TV in Toronto\, Canada’s most watche d local television station.\n\nIn 1996\, Velshi was awarded a fellowship t o the U.S. Congress by the\nAmerican Political Sciences Association\, and worked with now-retired\nU.S. Rep. Lee Hamilton\, (D-Ind.)\n\nBorn in Keny a and raised in Toronto\, Velshi graduated from Queens\nUniversity in Cana da with a degree in religion. He is a member of the\nGrand Challenges Advi sor Committee for the National Academy of\nEngineering. Velshi is the co-a uthor of How To Speak Money\, which\nreleases on November 8\, 2011\; and a uthor of Gimme My Money Back\, which\nreleased in January 2009.\n DTSTART:20121203T233000Z DTEND:20121204T003000Z LOCATION:Behrakis Grand Hall\, 32nd and Chestnut Streets\, Philadelphia\, P A 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR