BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:5f10fe3e0003cdc30b6bfe776a29888d DTSTAMP:20241005T001502Z SUMMARY:Employer of the Week: Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) DESCRIPTION: \n\nThe Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) provides gas service with in the city\nof Philadelphia. Operating since 1836\, PGW is the largest\nm unicipally-owned gas utility in the nation\, maintaining a\ndistribution s ystem of 6\,000 miles of gas mains and services and\nproviding service to 500\,000 residential customers and 19\,000\nindustrial and commercial user s.\n\nFull Time and Internship Positions: The company is seeking MBAs with \nexperience/background in Project Management\, IT\, Engineering\, Finance \,\nMarketing. The company is also interested in highly qualified\nundergr aduates in these areas as well.\n\nRepresentatives include:\n\nCraig White \, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Eloise\nYoung\, Vice President & Chief Information Officer Randy Gyory\, Senior\nVice Presiden t Operations/Customer Affairs T. Kuczynski\, Senior Vice\nPresident Busine ss Transformation Douglas Moser\, Vice President “\nGas Acquisition Lorr aine Webb\, Vice President “ Organizational\nDevelopment Gary Gioioso\, Director of Organizational. Development\n\nLIGHT REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERV ED COURTESY OF PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS.\n\nNOTE: Following the presentation \, company representatives will meet\nindividually in “informal conversa tions” with those interested in\nworking with PGW (Pearlstein 205)\n\n(R emember: Employer events are all “high level” business casual.)\n DTSTART:20080520T210000Z DTEND:20080520T220000Z LOCATION:Matheson Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 208\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR