BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:9b44338b1f49673287dffd9d17b4cb6e DTSTAMP:20240901T112455Z SUMMARY:Cedar Lake CEO Peter Flick on Careers in Private Equity\, Entrepren eurship Through Acquisition and Investment Banking DESCRIPTION: \n\nPeter Flick\, CEO of Cedar Lake\, will visit LeBow and spe ak about\ncareers in private equity\, entrepreneurship through acquisition and\ninvestment banking. Peter will cover topics including:\n\n• Entrep reneurship Through Acquisition: An alternative for\nfinance-minded entrepr eneurs • Overview of Private Equity\, Venture\nCapital\, Search Funds an d Holding Companies • Investment Banking…A\nCareer or a platform to gi ve you career options • Thoughts on\nmapping your career for success in Private Equity and / or Search\nFunds\n\nAny student interested in a caree r in private equity\, investment\nbanking\, or entrepreneurship is strongl y encouraged to attend. Peter\nwill open the floor to questions at the end of the event. Information\non Cedar Lake Co-Op opportunities will also be available.\n\nPeter Flick is currently CEO of Cedar Lake\, an investment vehicle\nformed in 2014 to acquire and operate information based service\n companies with $5 to $30m in revenue. Previously\, Peter Co-founded\nRelay Network where he was the VP of Product and CFO. Earlier in his\ncareer\, Peter worked in private equity at Spectrum Equity Investors in\nBoston\, a $4 billion private equity firm focused on investing in\nfinancial technol ogy\, online media and information service companies.\nBefore Spectrum\, h e was a Leverage Finance analyst at Citigroup and\nworked at Graham Partne rs\, a middle-market LBO firm based in suburban\nPhiladelphia.\n DTSTART:20140709T230000Z DTEND:20140710T003000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 027\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR