BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:02053e7a99d38fa00ea672d544049f51 DTSTAMP:20240901T055504Z SUMMARY:Women's Networking and Your Career Footprint - with Bonnie Richards '92\, SVP of UBS Financial Services and Valerie Marcolongo '90\, '00\, Ow ner of ENCADA DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin LeBow College of Business\, the Drexel Women in Busin esss and the\nLeBow Institute for Strategic Leadership for a discussion on \nnetworking and how to create a footprint for your career that will\nhelp you no matter your stage within it.\n\nBonnie Richards ’92\, Senior Vic e President - Wealth Management\, UBS\nFinancial Services and Valerie Marc olongo\, ’90\, ’00\, Owner of\nENCADA LLC\, an Engineering Systems Int egration Consultancy\, will have\na dialogue about networking as just one component of the skills and\nattributes needed to achieve career goals. Th ese successful women will\ntalk about how the foundation that you create\, or recreate\, for\nyourself through networking\, collaboration\, leadersh ip and other\nattributes\, should work together to help support what you a re trying\nto achieve. The takeaways will be useful no matter your industr y or\nstage in your career.\n\nDiscussion: 6:00 p.m. Networking reception to follow.\n\nBonnie Richards spent over 15 years as a tax attorney and ce rtified\npublic accountant advising entrepreneurs\, C-level executives and \nclosely-held businesses prior to joining UBS as SVP Wealth Advising.\nHe r technical training and years of industry experience allow her to\nassist in the planning process as well as provide a full complement of\nexpertis e rarely available from one individual. Bonnie is also a\nmember of the Ph iladelphia\, Pennsylvania and New Jersey Bar\nAssociations\, and serves on the Board of Directors for the Drexel\nUniversity Advisory Leadership Cou ncil. Bonnie has an L.L.M. in\ntaxation from New York University\, a J.D. from Temple University and a\nB.S. from Drexel University\, cum laude. She also studied international\nhuman rights law at Oxford University. She li ves in Manhattan with her\nhusband\, Phil.\n\nValerie Marcolongo is the Pr esident and Founder of Encada\, LLC.\nEncada\, LLC is an Infrastructure Ma nagement firm founded in 2004\,\nwhose focus is on Railway and Transit Eng ineering that integrates\nwho’s focus is on Railway and Transit Engineer ing that integrates\nOperations\, Asset Management and Resource Planning S ystems to measure\nthe performance of the business. After earning an under graduate degree\nfrom Drexel in Mechanical Engineering\, Valerie completed the Career\nDevelopment Program at Air Products and Chemicals\, moved on to Fluor\nDaniel\, Inc. and was the youngest project engineer on a $1 bill ion\nprogram for Eastman Kodak in mainland China. While at Fluor\, Valerie \nearned her Executive MBA from Drexel and it was through an EMBA\nclassma te that led her to join Amtrak and focus her career on\nTransportation.\n\ nDrexel LeBow’s Institute for Strategic Leadership (ISL) is\ndistinctive among U.S. universities in combining the study of\nleadership with an exa mination of collaboration\, viewing leadership as\na collective\, not sole ly individual\, process. ISL takes research a\nstep further and examines h ow the thought leadership of LeBow faculty\ncan be applied within organiza tions to change and influence behavior\nand outcomes.\n\nCo-sponsored by D rexel Women in Business. Drexel LeBow welcomes\nmembers of the PA Conferen ce for Women.\n DTSTART:20141002T220000Z DTEND:20141002T230000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 220 Grand Meeting Room\ , Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR