BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:c74f9a81acf0849d2e10c8d07e375076 DTSTAMP:20240727T131917Z SUMMARY:MBA Career Services Career Sector Panel: Entrepreneurship & Innova tion Management DESCRIPTION: \n\nThe Entrepreneurial Spirit is essential for success across the wide\nspectrum of career and industry opportunities. It is a willingn ess to\nembrace change and innovation\, to explore new technologies and se ek\nout new markets and constituents.\n\nEntrepreneurship and Innovation M anagement Skills are vital for\nbusiness leaders\, regardless to what type of business\, organization\,\nor industry they seek to enter. Meet with o ur distinguished panel of\nleaders for a discussion of how these qualities can help you develop\nyour career\, regardless of company size\, stage\, or ownership.\n\nThe goal of the panel is for the student to connect with\ nentrepreneurial leaders and understand: • What is the mindset of the\ni nnovator or entrepreneur? • How does one integrate entrepreneurial\nor i nnovative leadership into any organization? • What are the major\nissues facing entrepreneurs\n\nMODERATOR:\nCharles Sacco\, Interim Director\, Ba iada Institute for Entrepreneurship\nEntrepreneur in Residence & Director of External Relations\, Close\nSchool of Entrepreneurship\n\nPANELISTS (Co nfirmed as of 09/30/2014):\n\nThomas A. Belton\, Chief Strategy Officer\, Board Member & General\nCounsel\, Quality Packaging Specialists\, LLC (Pha rmaceutical Supply\nChain and Contract Manufacturing:\n[ht tp://])\, and founder of sports marketing and\ntechnology c ompanies.\n\nShariq Ahmad\, Managing Partner\, Orion GlobeCom (Mobile Appl ications\,\nCustom Web & Software Development\, Consulting www.orionglobec\n[]) and (Personal\nB randing []). Drexel\nAlu m (BS Degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering\;\nMBA Fi nance & Marketing)\n\nJoan Winchester\, President & CEO\, Franchise Advise \, LLC (Franchise\nConsulting: [http://www.franchi])\n\nJim Drucker\, Chief Executive Officer\, (ww\n[])\n DTSTART:20141014T203000Z DTEND:20141014T220000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, GHall 031 (Lower Level) \, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR