BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:76f4837a6d99f08d56b7d5aade56c081 DTSTAMP:20240901T022053Z SUMMARY:Faculty Technology Workshop: Recorded student presentations with Vo iceThread DESCRIPTION: \n\nGroup presentations are common in business classes. Not on ly do\nstudents learn to apply the course content\, but they gain valuable \nexperience in presenting and communicating. However\, ten-week terms\nma ke it challenging to dedicate one or more class periods to student\npresen tations. And online classes don’t have face-to-face class time\nas an op tion.\n\nVoiceThread can help. Designed to be a multimedia discussion boar d\nwith audio and video\, VoiceThread is being used at LeBow to have\ngrou ps of students upload their PowerPoint and record audio for each\nslide. T hen the completed presentation can be shared with the rest of\nthe class i n Blackboard LEARN. Teachers can then use the face-to-face\nclass time for Q&A and follow-up discussion _or_ that Q&A can also\noccur in an online d iscussion forum. And VoiceThread does not require\na high technical level for students or faculty.\n\nIn this workshop\, faculty will see VoiceThrea d in action and learn how\nthis tool can help make room for group presenta tions in your online\,\nhybrid\, or face-to-face classes.\n\nWho should at tend: LeBow College of Business\nfull-time/part-time/adjunct faculty or Ph D candidates who are teaching\nand like to assign student presentations. L CB staff who are teaching\nor who directly support faculty are also welcom e. This workshop is\nopen to all Drexel faculty.\n DTSTART:20141119T190000Z DTEND:20141119T200000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 722 (Faculty Colloquium )\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR