BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:91a80868aa1b8feb5e78ad6568daad6f DTSTAMP:20240716T133740Z SUMMARY:Fall 2015 Directors Academy DESCRIPTION: \n\nBringing together board chairs\, corporate directors and s enior\nexecutives to address the critical issues facing boards today.\nDir ectors Academy is a one and a half day Director focused educational\nprogr am for board ready individuals or those serving on their first\npublic or private board.\n\nPROGRAM TIMES: Day 1 - 1pm - 5pm (Networking lunch provi ded at 12) Day\n2 - 9am - 5pm (Reception and Presentation of Certificate i n Corporate\nGovernance Immediately following)\n\nLEADING PRACTICES FOR TH E BOARDROOM\n\nThis program will cover current trends in financial data an d fiduciary\nduties and audit\, compensation\, nominating and governance c ommittees.\nParticipants will leave with a clear understanding of the role of the\nboard in key issues and will experience the type of decisions tha t\nthey may be required to make as a member of the board. This highly\nint eractive program is taught by leading executives\, corporate\ndirectors\, policy makers\, legal and financial service experts and\nacademic professi onals.\n\nTOPICS INCLUDE: • Enhancing Financial Acumen • Board Roles\, \nCommittees and Independence • Duty of Loyalty\, Duty of Care •\nDeve lopments in the 2015 Proxy Season • Current Governance\nChallenges: How They Impact the Boardroom • Transitioning from the\nC-Suite to a Board S eat\n\nCLICK HERE FOR PROGRAM OVERVIEW\n[ emics/centers/corporate-governance/directors-academy/agenda]\n\nWHO SHOULD ATTEND?\n\nDirectors Academy offers board education seminars for board re ady\nindividuals or those serving on their first public or private board.\ nThis program affords participants an educational framework through\ntimel y insights from leading executives\, corporate directors\, policy\nmakers\ , legal and financial services experts\, and academic\nprofessionals. This program is limited to 25 participants.\n DTSTART:20151027T170000Z DTEND:20151028T210000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR