BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:f5999af3731d3c678a5b82e49bf72806 DTSTAMP:20240901T002204Z SUMMARY:Dr. Greg Mankiw\, Professor of Economics Harvard University\, Publi c Lecture on Economic Inequality DESCRIPTION: \n\nProfessor Mankiw is a prolific writer and a regular partic ipant in\nacademic and policy debates. He has written two popular\ntextboo ks—the intermediate-level textbook Macroeconomics (Worth\nPublishers) an d the introductory textbook Principles of Economics\n(South-Western/Thomso n). Principles of Economics has sold over a\nmillion copies and has been t ranslated into twenty languages.\n\nIn addition to his teaching\, research \, and writing\, Professor Mankiw\nhas been a research associate of the Na tional Bureau of Economic\nResearch\, an adviser to the Federal Reserve Ba nk of Boston and the\nCongressional Budget Office\, and a member of the ET S test development\ncommittee for the advanced placement exam in economics . From 2003 to\n2005 he served as Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic\nAdvisers.\n DTSTART:20160413T140000Z DTEND:20160413T153000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, DiPiero Grand Meeting Room and Rose Terrace\ , 3220 Market Street\, 220\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR