BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d8e420acc015722cc7d304899196b2cd DTSTAMP:20240727T132457Z SUMMARY:Drexel School of Economics and Econsult Solutions\, Inc. present th eir 2nd Annual Urban Economic Policy Conference: Topics in Urban Tax Polic y DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin Drexel School of Economics and Econsult Solutions\, I nc. for their\n2nd annual joint conference\, discussing topics in urban ta x policy.\nTwo panel discussions will take place over the course of the\na fternoon: (1) Topics in Tax Administration\; and (2) Tax Policy and\nEcono mic Development.\n\nJoin us as the experts debate these two timely economi c topics!\n\nSchedule: 12:00 p.m. Registration and lunch\n\n12:30 p.m. Key note: “Tax Incentives and Competition for Economic\nActivity” Keynote speaker: James R. Hines\, PhD\n[ /FacultyBio.aspx?FacID=jrhines]\,\nL. Hart Wright Collegiate Professor of Law and Codirector of the Law\nand Economics Program at Michigan\, Richard A. Musgrave Collegiate\nProfessor of Economics in U-M’s Department of E conomics\, and\nResearch Director\, Office of Tax Policy Research in U-M ’s Stephen M.\nRoss School of Business\n\n2:00 p.m. Panel discussion I: Topics in Tax Administration Moderator:\nMark Stehr\, PhD [https://www.leb]\,\nAssociate Professor and Assistant Direc tor\, Drexel School of Economics\nPanelists: Marisa G. Waxman\n[http://www 361-4697-8450-24aca992a1d6]\,\nDeputy Commissioner\, Policy & Analysis\, C ity of Philadelphia\nDepartment of Revenue: “Behavioral Nudges and Tax C ompliance”\nMichael Knoll\, JD\, PhD [ ty/mknoll/]\,\nTheodore K. Warner Professor of Law & Professor of Real Est ate\;\nCo-Director\, Center for Tax Law and Policy\; Deputy Dean\, Univers ity of\nPennsylvania Law School: “Is the Philadelphia Wage Tax\nUnconsti tutional?” David Merriman\, PhD\n[ /faculty/dr-merriman/]\,\nProfessor of Public Administration\, University of Illinois at Chicago\nand Visiting Fellow\, Lincoln Institute of Land Po licy: “Cigarette\nTax Avoidance and Evasion: Evidence from Littered Ciga rette Packs”\n\n3:30 p.m. Panel discussion II: Tax Policy and Economic D evelopment\nModerator: Stephen Mullin\n[ ur-people/partners/mr-steve-mullin/]\,\nPresident and Principal of Econsul t Solutions\, Inc. Panelists: Daphne\nKenyon\, PhD\n[http://www.lincolnins]\,\nEconomist and Principal \, D.A. Kenyon & Associates\, and Visiting\nFellow\, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy: “Rethinking Property Tax\nIncentives for Business” Paul L evy\, PhD\n[ eople/paul-levy]\,\nPresident and CEO\, Center City District: “Making th e Case\, Building\nthe Coalition for Municipal Tax Reform” Matthew Knitt el\, PhD\n[]\, Director\, Independent Fiscal\nOffice: “Implications of Economic and Demographic Trends for Sta te\nand Municipal Tax Policy”\n\n5:00 p.m. Reception\n\nCost: FREE!\n\nS eating is limited\; please RSVP to secure your seat.\n\nJoin the conversat ion! #UrbanEconomicPolicy\n DTSTART:20160427T160000Z DTEND:20160427T220000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 220 Grand Meeting Room (2nd floor)\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR