BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d1d653f9dae828a89f60f602e038314a DTSTAMP:20240901T055240Z SUMMARY:14th Annual Global Business Conference DESCRIPTION: \n\nA World Economy in Transition • Seizing Opportunities • Navigating\nChallenges\n\nIn cooperation with Drexel University’s Le Bow College of Business\nand the School of Economics\, the World Trade Cen ter of Greater\nPhiladelphia presents the 14th Annual Global Business Conf erence. 2017\npromises to be a year of continued change and challenge in t he world\neconomy. Join the region’s international business community as we\nhear from leading economists\, trade experts\, and successful compani es\non major trends to watch and strategies for success.\n\nFeaturing\n\nT HE 2017 GLOBAL ECONOMIC OUTLOOK\n\nMARK SCHALTUPER Global Head of Country Risk\, BMI Research\n\nMark Schaltuper is Global Head of Country Risk at B MI Research\, A\nFitch Group Company. He is part of the Global Strategy Te am\, where he\nprovides strategic guidance and coordination to BMI Researc h’s\ncountry risk research teams across the world. Based in New York sin ce\n2012\, his previous role was Head of Americas Research\, where he was\ nresponsible for country risk analysis and industry research for the\nAmer icas. He joined BMI Research in 2007\, first as a Country Risk and\nFinanc ial Markets Analyst for Europe\, and then as Head of the Europe\nCountry R isk team\, a role he held from 2010 to 2012. He previously was\na Research Analyst at Chatham House. Mr. Schaltuper has a Master’s\ndegree in Inte rnational Relations from the London School of Economics.\n DTSTART:20170301T130000Z DTEND:20170301T173000Z LOCATION:Behrakis Grand Hall\, 32nd and Chestnut Streets\, Philadelphia\, P A 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR