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LeBow DEI Dashboard

The DEI Action Group was formed and charged with three primary goals:

  • Advancing access and equity
  • Recruiting and retaining a diverse student body and workforce
  • Supporting an inclusive campus culture

The Dean asked the action group to examine student life, recruitment and retention, curricular and extracurricular programming, experiential learning opportunities, inclusive teaching practices, and policies and procedures aimed at creating a culture of awareness and inclusion. This dashboard summarizes the recommendations of the DEI Action Group and their progress to date in making this vision a reality.

Updated Oct. 17, 2023

Focus Area: Create an Inclusive Culture

Recommendation Emerging Progressing Completed
Create DEI mission statement Completed
Create DEI strategic plan Completed
Appoint a DEI practitioner Completed
Create DEI Advisory Council Completed
Offer quarterly programming that highlights DEI Completed
Offer Inclusive Impact Day Completed
Redesign the DEI section of the LeBow website Completed
Create internal and external diversity marketing plans Progressing
Create a web tag called “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” Completed

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Focus Area: Increase Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Students, Staff and Faculty

Recommendation Emerging Progressing Completed
Intensify outreach to first-generation and students from historically underserved communities in Philadelphia Completed
Focus on admitting, matriculating and retaining the largest percentage of first-generation and students from historically underserved communities among our peer institutions Progressing
Partner with corporate partners and institutional advancement/alumni to provide scholarship and stipend for high school students to attend Camp Business Completed
Increase diverse representation in faculty and staff positions Progressing
Ensure diversity within selection committees Progressing
Operationalize and scale BRIDGE program Progressing
Continuously assess and evaluate underrepresented minority student experience Progressing
Create an onboarding program Emerging
Continuously survey staff and faculty to understand gaps in DEI Progressing

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Focus Area: Integrate DEI Into Curriculum and Research

Recommendation Emerging Progressing Completed
Encourage faculty to incorporate DEI-related assignments into coursework  Completed
Work with curriculum committees to incorporate DEI into more courses Progressing
Make DEI part of College Research and Curriculum Innovation (CRCI) Group Completed
Intentionally include diversity in research objectives Progressing
Add a diversity requirement to LeBow undergraduate programs Progressing
Create a new undergraduate interdisciplinary LeBow course (Global and Cultural Competency) Progressing
Touch on DEI in CIVC 101 or UNIV 101 courses Completed

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Focus Area: Provide DEI Learning and Professional Development

Recommendation Emerging Progressing Completed
Develop and facilitate a training series around awareness of DEI Completed
Create methods to facilitate dialogues that are more flexible and genuine Progressing
Make funds available to send faculty, PhD students and staff to conferences to learn about DEI Progressing
Create incentives for students to engage in DEI programming Completed
Incentivize attendance/participation in DEI faculty/staff programming Completed
Incentivize faculty/staff engagement by adding a DEI component to annual performance evaluation Completed
Incentivize departments through Diversity Scoreboard Emerging

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Focus Area: Create Transparency and Accountability

Recommendation Emerging Progressing Completed
Create an LCOB DEI Dashboard to assess and measure progress of DEI initiatives Completed
Faculty report DEI-related service on annual report Completed
Report DEI-related course content or modifications in faculty annual report Completed
Add DEI component to tenure and promotion assessment and Annual Performance Review Progressing

View the full dashboard for this focus area

Focus Area: Foster and Support External Relationships and Community Partnerships

Recommendation Emerging Progressing Completed
Create metrics to assess corporate partners to ensure that organizationally they value DEI Progressing
Develop civic engagement/partnership with community groups Progressing
Leverage LeBow community to provide support and expertise to local nonprofit organizations Progressing

View the full dashboard for this focus area

Connect with Us

Thank you for your interest in our DEI initiative and resources at Drexel LeBow. For more information and questions, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Trina Larsen Andras