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Events, Workshops and Trips

LeBow Undergraduate Career Services trip to NYC Spring 2024

LeBow Undergraduate Career Services offers one-on-one career appointments throughout the year to students focused on job searching skills and career exploration. Additionally, keynote events such as Finance Week and trips to New York City offer students the opportunity to learn more about corporations and career fields and network with professionals and LeBow alumni.

Steinbright Career Development Center Workshops

Drexel University offers students and alumni a wide range of career resources, including workshops, provided through the Steinbright Career Development Center (SCDC). Learn more about exploring careers, job search and interview strategies, and a number of other important career planning topics by registering for a workshop today.

About SCDC workshops

Networking Trips

Each year LeBow Career Services takes promising finance and real estate students to explore New York City and participate in alumni networking events and site visits at locations such as NASDAQ, Google-YouTube and Bloomberg.

LeBow New York Finance Trip

Ideal for students interested in finance and increasing their industry knowledge. Our networking trip connects you with alumni working in various financial roles and industries.

LeBow New York Real Estate and Development Trip

Network with alumni working in estate development, property management, lending, risk management and portfolio management sectors of the real estate business.

Application Instructions

These unique and exciting trips are open to a limited number of LeBow undergraduate students. Students must apply to be considered for the experience. An application review committee will make the final selections on which students are chosen to attend.

Please check back for application deadlines for upcoming trips or reach out to the Undergraduate Career Services office.

Connect with Us

The Undergraduate Career Services team is excited to help you on your career path. We look forward to hearing from you.

Jaylynn Dixon

Career Services Advisor

(215) 895-1662

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 331