Sydney McCloud, ’19
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Management Information Systems and Finance)
Sydney McCloud entered her first year as a student at Drexel with two goals: to make connections and to make an impact.
Like many freshmen, McCloud explored student organizations determined to find a group that she knew represented her values and provided her with the sense of community she so desired.
After learning about Drexel Women in Business – also known as DWIB – and working with the group her freshman year, McCloud was moved by their mission and impact and applied for a position on the organization’s executive board that same year.
Convinced that the group could do more to work with the community outside of University City, McCloud emphasized this need in her interviews for the positions she applied to. “Originally, I interviewed for Treasurer and one other position,” says McCloud. “But I also wanted to emphasize how DWIB could do more to give back to the community because that was something huge in my upbringing.”
Reminded of the commitment to service that her mother instilled in her family as a child, McCloud wanted to see the organization make more of an impact and extend its reach far outside of Drexel’s campus. “At the time, there were no events centered toward the community. We would collaborate with organizations, but there was nothing that made DWIB stand out as a whole, and that was a role that I thought would be beneficial to the board,” says McCloud.
McCloud’s passion and drive for service made an impression on the executive board so much that they created a position on the executive board that was dedicated to philanthropy with McCloud as the first to hold the position. From there, the management information systems and finance major went on to serve as the interim vice president and is now serving as president of the organization. “It was a lot of pressure at the time, but looking back, I definitely grew a lot and learned a lot from the position.”
During her time, she has grown the organization’s membership, increased the number of community outreach events, and plans to expand even more. “This year I’m changing a lot of things in DWIB, and I’m really excited for the coming year,” says McCloud.
But despite such an active involvement in Drexel Women in Business, another organization gave McCloud the support she needed as she navigated three co-ops and a heavy course load: LeBow BRIDGE.
McCloud joined BRIDGE after her first year at the University and quickly found a resource for support and guidance that she had previously found unmatched. McCloud credits BRIDGE with helping her form a feeling of home while at Drexel through staff support and student connections.
“There’s no words to say how thankful I am to the BRIDGE leadership for being there whenever I need them,” says McCloud, “I feel that without BRIDGE, I wouldn’t be in my current position today.”
Today, McCloud is currently working as a Global Finance Business Processes Intern after working with the company for a year as a Cloud Project Management Intern. “Working with SAP was a great opportunity because within six months, the co-op showed me which career path I wanted to take going forward,” she says.
McCloud’s active presence in student organizations and continued work with SAP is all in service to yet another goal on her horizon. “I want to leave Drexel well-rounded and to be knowledgeable in every field of business,” she says.
She will begin a position as a technology consulting analyst with Accenture upon graduation.