LeBow Directory
UG Services Student Employee
Undergraduate Advising
ms5474@drexel.eduGerri C. LeBow Hall
Associate Director
Undergraduate Advising
215.895.1683 coylemm@drexel.eduGerri C. LeBow Hall 317
Assistant Professor
Decision Sciences and MIS
215.895.2944 os355@drexel.eduGerri C. LeBow Hall 834
Associate Professor
Decision Sciences and MIS
215.895.1939 mjs624@drexel.eduGerri C. LeBow Hall 623
Associate Professor
rs3267@drexel.eduGerri C. LeBow Hall 1024
Clinical Professor
Decision Sciences and MIS
215.571.4442 sns72@drexel.eduGerri C. LeBow Hall 619
Associate Professor
Decision Sciences and MIS
215.895.0225 ws84@drexel.eduGerri C. LeBow Hall 735