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Oct 21

Thomas Prusa, PhD, Rutgers University

This event is part of the Economics Seminar Series series.

Delivery Method: In Person
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Gerri C. LeBow Hall
3220 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

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Selected Publications from Professor Thomas Prusa, PhD:

Dumping and Antidumping Trade Protection (joint with Bruce Blonigen), 2019, Edward Elgar.

The Hazardous Effects of Antidumping, (joint with Tibor Besedes) Economic Inquiry. 55(1) 2017, 9–30. (Lead article).

Ask for the Moon, Settle for the Stars: What is a Reasonable Period to Comply with WTO Awards? (joint with Petros C. Mavroidis. Niall Meagher, and Tatiana Yanguas) World Trade Review, (2017) 16:2, 395–425.

Are the Unfair Trade Laws Fair?, Harvard Economics Review, Fall 2016, 27–30.


Have Questions?

Ohyun Kwon, PhD

(215) 571-4168

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 1029