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Mar 7

Marketing Crisis Challenge for Graduate Students Featuring Integrate for Good

Delivery Method: In Person
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Gerri C. LeBow Hall
3220 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

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The Dornsife Office for Experiential Learning will offer the 2025 Marketing Crisis Challenge for LeBow graduate students.

What Is the Marketing Crisis Challenge?

Drexel LeBow’s Marketing Crisis Challenge is a one-day competition that brings together teams of graduate students to come up with insightful marketing plans in response to a real-world crisis facing a company.

In preparation for the challenge, graduate students will form teams of four to five individuals. Groups will be tasked with crafting a response to a marketing-related crisis facing a company. During the event, students will research the industry and apply what they’ve learned from their program coursework to create and present a recommended crisis management plan.

At the conclusion of the event, teams present their recommendations to a panel of industry and faculty judges.

Students will use their own laptops for research and to create their presentations. Meals and refreshments will be provided to participants.

Participant Eligibility

To be eligible to participate, team members must be currently enrolled in a Drexel LeBow graduate program. Individuals who register will be contacted closer to the event to form and/or confirm teams. Students are invited to form teams (minimum 4 members, maximum 5 members) and should email their team rosters to Kelly Amber at

Event Timeline

Timeline is tentative and subject to change.

Friday, March 7, 2025
8 a.m.: Team check-in; breakfast available
All team members must be present and checked in prior to the event kickoff at 8:30 a.m. Individuals not present for check-in will forfeit their ability to participate.
8:30 a.m.: Event begins; issue presented to teams
9:30 a.m.: Teams begin working on projects (Work Session 1)
12 p.m.: Working lunch
1 p.m.: Teams finalize presentations (Work Session 2)
3 p.m.: Team presentations
4 p.m.: Awards and debrief




Drexel LeBow MBA
Accelerated Full-Time MBA
Part-Time MBA
Part-Time MBA Online
MS in Accounting
MS in Accounting (One Year)
MS in Business Analytics
MS in Business Analytics (Online)
MS in Business Information Technology
MS in Business Information Technology (Online)
MS in Economics
MS in Economics and Computer Science
MS in Finance
MS in Marketing
MS in Marketing (Online)
MS in Sport Business
MS in Supply Chain Management and Logistics


Have Questions?

Kelly Amber

Assistant Director

(215) 895-2387

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 135