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Thank you for your interest in the Department of Decision Sciences and MIS at LeBow.
An immersive business education designed for the driven and determined.
Admissions experts with one goal – to help you soar like a Dragon.
Expert faculty solving tomorrow’s problems today through cutting-edge research.
Companies turn to LeBow for partnership, solutions and the next generation of leaders.
Statistics research topics include datamining, quality control, correlation/covariance and skewness models.
Operations research, nonlinear optimization, which encompasses a range of mathematical methods to model and optimize the performance of complex systems in business, engineering and medicine.
Operations management, the modeling and analysis of strategic and operational decisions in supply chain management and health care systems.
Li, Shaobo, Schneider, Matthew J., Yu, Yan, and Gupta, Sachin, Reidentification Risk in Panel Data: Protecting for k-Anonymity. Information Systems Research (Year 2022).
Schaer, Oliver, Kourentzes, Nikolaos, and Fildes, Robert, Predictive competitive intelligence with pre-release online search traffic. Production and Operations Management 31 (Oct 2022):3823-3839.
Bale, Cameron, Schneider, Matthew J., and Lee, Jinwook, Can We Protect Time Series Data While Maintaining Accurate Forecasts?. International Journal of Forecasting (Forthcoming).
Gaffney, Christopher, The Reduction of Realized Variance in Deductible Insurance. International Journal of Operational Research (Forthcoming).
Gefen, David, Leffew, Barry, Ragowsky, Arik, and Riedl, Rene, The Importance of Distrust in Trusting Digital Worker Chatbots. Communications of the ACM 68 (Apr 2025).
Lev, Benjamin, My Experience as OMEGA EiC. OMEGA 131 (Feb 2025):103222.
Ke, Wan, Zhou, Xiaoyang, Lev, Benjamin, and Shen, Wenjing, Strategic Inventory with an Unreliable Manufacturer across Multiple Supply Chain Structures. OMEGA (Jun 2025).
Ma, Y., Wang, Y., Li, B., and Lev, Benjamin, An improved particle swarm optimization with particle refactor operator for perishable food delivery problems by electric vehicles. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 19 (Oct 2024):177-188.
Tu, Y., Lu, Y., Xie, Y., and Lev, Benjamin, Optimal river basin water resources allocation considering multiple water sources joint scheduling: A bi-level multi-objective programming with copula-based interval-bistochastic information. Computers and Industrial Engineering 194 (Aug 2024):110388.
Li, Jun, Shen, Wenjing, Liao, Yi, Cai, Gangshu, and Chen, Xiangfeng, The Fulfillment Service in Online Marketplaces. European Journal of Operational Research (Jun 2024).
Zhou, X., Guo, T., Wang, S., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhang, Z., Drone-based hybrid charging for multiple sensors: A distributionally robust optimization approach. Computers & Operations Research 166 (Jun 2024):106621.
Wang, H., Bai, C., Lev, Benjamin, and Chen, W., Quick response under strategic consumers with high-price and stockout regrets. Computers & Operations Research 166 (Jun 2024):106590.
Zhang, Z., Song, X., Gong, X., Yin, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhou, X., Coordinated seru scheduling and distribution operation problems with DeJong’s learning effects. European Journal of Operational Research 313 (Mar 2024):452-464.
Zhong, Hao, Chen, Yuyue, Liu, Chuanren, and Benson, H. Y., Decision Aggregation with Reliability Propagation. Decision Support Systems 178 (Mar 2024):114130.
Zhang, Z., Gong, X., Song, X., Yin, Y., Lev, Benjamin, and Zhou, X., An effective two phase heuristic for synchronized seru production scheduling and 3PLtransportation problems. International Journal of Production Economics 268 (Feb 2024):109126.
Ghashami, Farnaz, Gantz, Christopher, and Gefen, David, The Role of Parents’ Mores on Their Intentions to Enroll Their Children in a School-based Telemedicine Program. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 53 (Oct 2023):44.
Zhou, X., Liu, H., Li, J., Zhang, K., and Lev, Benjamin, Channel strategies when digital platforms emerge: A systematic literature review. OMEGA 120 (Oct 2023):102919.
Lee, Jinwook, and Schneider, Matthew J., Geometric series representation for robust bounds of exponential smoothing difference between protected and confidential data. Annals of Operations Research (Sep 2023).
Ullah, A., Xu, Q., He, Y., and Lev, Benjamin, Supply chain strategy of adopting blockchain in post-sale customer care outsourcing in a competitive environment. International Journal of Production Research 61 (Sep 2023):7122-7150.
Sun, Yaqin, Kim, Seung-Lae, and Wang, Min, Price and service competition between an encroaching contract manufacturer and an original equipment manufacturer. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (Jun 2023).
Lu, J., Guo, S., Qu, J., Lin, W., and Lev, Benjamin, Stay or Leave: The Influence of Employee-oriented Social Responsibility on Turnover Intention of New Generation Employees. Journal of Business Research 161 (Jun 2023):113814.
Ullah, A., Ayat, M., He, Y., and Lev, Benjamin, An Analysis of Strategies for Adopting Blockchain Technology in the after-sales Service Supply Chain. Computers and Industrial Engineering 179 (May 2023):109194.
Thank you for your interest in the Department of Decision Sciences and MIS at LeBow.