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Accounting Department Wins 2015 NASBA Research Grant


July 09, 2015

Drexel LeBow’s Department of Accounting has been awarded the 2015 Accounting Education Research Grant from the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). The organization is responsible for oversight of the country’s 55 state boards that administer the Certified Public Account (CPA) examination.

This is the first NASBA grant received by the College and one of just two awarded by the organization’s education committee this year. The grant will fund a research study titled “Best Practices for Preparing International Students for the Uniform CPA Examination.” The study, lead by department head Hubert D. Glover, PhD, and assistant department head Jennifer Wright, CPA, will identify best practices in accounting education and CPA preparation by surveying universities across the country with large international student populations.

“The goal of the study is to enhance performance on and increase the number of students who pursue a CPA and to contribute to the overall body of knowledge in accounting education,” says Glover.

According to Glover, both international students and faculty face a variety of challenges as students transition from passive international educational environments to a more interactive learning culture typical to U.S. colleges, specifically those with an integrated co-operative education program like Drexel.

“Drexel is uniquely positioned to lead this research as international enrollment and particularly the number of Chinese students has grown exponentially over the years in our programs,” says Glover. He believes the study will identify opportunities to improve Drexel’s program instruction and will ultimately contribute to increased student success in the program and on the CPA exam.

Glover and Wright will utilize LeBow graduate students to conduct surveys in addition to recent accounting graduate Yue Li, who contributed to the grant proposal. The results of the study will be shared at the annual NASBA Eastern and Western Regional Meetings in June 2016.

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