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Accounting Graduation Day

September 05, 2014

It was a wonderful celebration on June 14th for our accounting students at LeBow College of Business, it was graduation day! This year 121 undergraduate, 14 masters students and three PhD students walked across the stage and received congratulations from President Fry and Dean Linnehan on their accomplishments. The accounting faculty was happy to celebrate the accomplishments of our students at graduation and look forward to seeing everyone back on campus as esteemed alumni in the near future.

We are proud to recognize our PhD students who graduated and will join us as fellow teaching faculty. Matthew Reidenbach accepted a position as assistant professor with Pace University. Hai Ta went to the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth also as an assistant professor. Shaowen Hua will stay in the Philadelphia region at La Salle University as an assistant professor.

Congratulations to all our graduates for 2014!

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Remarks by Drexel President John Fry, LeBow Dean Vibhas Madan and others reflected awe, relief and optimism for the future as graduates conclude their studies at LeBow.

Paul Jensen, PhD, will become interim dean of LeBow College effective July 1, following Linnehan's retirement on June 30.

It has been an eventful year for the Department of Accounting & Taxation. Our faculty and students continue to make significant contributions to LeBow College of Business. We are able to attract high quality students to both undergraduate and graduate accounting programs, supporting them with high-energy, tenure track faculty, motivated clinical and adjunct faculty, and our excellent committed departmental manager. Everyone is committed to improvements in accounting education for our students.