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Amid Work and MBA Studies, 2023 Graduate Commencement Speaker Monique Boskett Finds Opportunities to Grow and Give Back


May 11, 2023

When Monique Boskett MBA ‘23 enrolled at LeBow in 2020, she didn’t expect her journey to be so engaging.

She was working full-time in public affairs for a major Philadelphia-based insurance company when she began taking MBA courses online, not aware of the well-rounded experience virtual students have at Drexel. As someone who seeks out new and exciting opportunities, Monique marvels at how many Drexel experiences she was able to join as an online student, including her favorite experience at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University.

“Before I started here, I didn’t realize just how many things Drexel had to offer. In addition to making great friends and discovering delicious restaurants in a part of Philly I didn’t typically inhabit, I was a Nina Henderson Provost Scholar working on the Nonprofit Endeavors program, part of the LeBow DEI Action Group’s Graduate and Doctoral Student Life subcommittee and a judge for the MGMT 530 residency class ‘Managing and Leading the Total Enterprise,’” she said of her overall experience.

Since completing her degree earlier this year, Monique has been working in project management with a major financial industry firm. When she delivers her commencement address, centered on personal growth and giving back, to the Class of 2023, it will be clear to all: In making the most of her experience as a LeBow graduate student, she’s done both.

Monique Boskett, MBA '23

Hometown: Berlin, New Jersey
Major/program of study: MBA, with a concentration in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and a graduate minor in Project Management
Post-commencement plans: I was able to secure a great job in the field I was interested in, so the day after Commencement, I plan on taking a two-week trip to Greece and Barcelona with one of my friends!

DL: What accomplishment from your time at LeBow are you most proud of?
MB: I think the accomplishment I’m most proud of was being selected to the inaugural cohort of Nina Henderson Scholars. In this program, I was able to work with 11 other incredible students from across the University, learn under accomplished faculty and staff members, and do work outside of my typical schooling that was helpful and impactful.

DL: Tell us about an important lesson you took away from an academic course.
MB: I have to admit, I occasionally have taken required classes and thought, “This stinks, I’ll never have to use this knowledge again,” and I felt that way about my finance class. However, I now work at a large bank, and I’m really grateful I learned a basic level of finance. It’s helped me learn more in my job and to grow faster.

DL: Who are some of the individuals from LeBow’s faculty and staff who have helped and supported you during your time here, and what impact did they have on you?
MB: The individuals who had the biggest impact on my Drexel LeBow experience are my two advisors in Graduate Student Services, who were both absolutely phenomenal. I started with Tina Lloyd, and then halfway through the program, I was placed with Noor Jemy. Both are top-tier, communicative and beyond helpful, and they both always encouraged me, pushed me and helped me in every way possible. They’re also the reason I’m a commencement speaker — I was initially nervous to even apply, but they both encouraged me to do so.

DL: Looking back on your time at LeBow, how would you say you have grown or changed from when you first arrived?
MB: Besides the obvious academic knowledge I gained, I also learned how to manage my time better so I could juggle working full-time, hanging out with my friends, being with my family and getting my homework done.

DL: How did your time at LeBow prepare you for your current or upcoming job role?
MB: Last April I was offered and accepted a job at JPMorgan Chase doing project management — something I was looking to get into post-graduation. My graduate minor in project management was a huge reason I felt ready to apply for the job, and it’s the reason I believe I was hired.

DL: What are you planning to share in your message to your fellow graduates?
MB: A big message in my commencement speech is to always reach out with a helping hand, give back to those around you and ensure you don’t stop growing yourself.

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