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Picture of the artist Santiago Spirito, create of the cover art for this magazin

Artist Santiago Spirito

January 23, 2014
Artist Santiago Spirito began painting in the streets of Argentina soon after the Argentine economic crisis of 2001 as a member of Vomito Attack, a well-known stencil art collective known for its political commentary and anti-consumerist messages. In 2007, he began producing murals on his own, under the alias “Cabaio.” His recent works have been less politically charged, instead focusing on beautifying the city of Buenos Aires with richly textured images that erupt with color.

When Market Street approached Cabaio to produce the art for this issue’s cover story (page 18), we weren’t sure he would be interested because he no longer focuses his art on opposition. Lucky for us, he accepted the commission as a chance to show American readers his personal interpretation of the unrest he has experienced firsthand.

Cabaio created this issue’s cover image on discarded wood, which he covered in dozens of sheets of paper to recreate the look of city walls that have become plastered with layers of political posters that vie for attention on the streets of Buenos Aires. Each image represents the spirit of protest. There are iconic locations, graffiti art and real faces of protestors on the streets. The red hues reference Argentina’s socialist politics while the blacks and grays provide contrast and weight.

The images Cabaio created for this issue add a visual element to the story that simply cannot be shaped with words. Each layer is a voice; each image, a story.

For more of Cabaio’s work, visit

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