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Big Thank You and a Warm Welcome

September 05, 2014

The department would like to extend a big thank you to Dr. Hsihui Chang for his five years of service as the department chair for accounting at LeBow College of Business. During his tenure as chair, Dr. Chang has revitalized the advisory board, strengthened the research of faculty, recruited more than 10 clinical and tenure-track faculty, launched new MS Accounting programs and supported the efforts of all four of our student organizations. In addition, he has been instrumental in launching our annual continuing professional education event for alumni and friends of the department and issuing the departmental newsletters. Dr. Chang would like to focus on his research and teaching endeavors. We would like to thank Dr. Chang for his leadership and will enjoy his continued success as a vital member of our faculty.

We welcome Dr. Hubert Glover as our new department chair. Dr. Glover has been a valued member of our faculty since 2010 and has served on the leadership team for renewal of our AACSB reaccreditation. Dr. Glover has more than 30 years of management and leadership experience with major organizations, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, and he has served on the governance bodies for professional organizations, including the Institute of Management Accountants, the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and the American Accounting Association. This year, Dr. Glover will be presenting a FASB update on the new Revenue Recognition Standard at our alumni continuing professional education conference being held on October 10th. We appreciate Dr. Glover’s willingness to lead the department.

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It has been an eventful year for the Department of Accounting & Taxation. Our faculty and students continue to make significant contributions to LeBow College of Business. We are able to attract high quality students to both undergraduate and graduate accounting programs, supporting them with high-energy, tenure track faculty, motivated clinical and adjunct faculty, and our excellent committed departmental manager. Everyone is committed to improvements in accounting education for our students. 

We look forward to hosting our annual continuing professional education conference this year and invite you to join us.

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