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CSR Doesn’t Always Pay Off

February 20, 2012

In an article written for the Institute of Public Relations, Elliot Schreiber, professor of marketing and executive director of the Center for Corporate Reputation Management at LeBow, argues that corporate social responsibility programs “can be money well spent or … a waste of investment.”

To be successful, Schreiber writes, CSR activities must be consistent with the company’s business strategy and must be meaningful to the stakeholder for which it is intended.  Schreiber is the executive director of LeBow’s Center for Corporate Reputation Management and a clinical professor of marketing. His essay cites the work of Daniel Korschun, a LeBow assistant professor of marketing and co-author of the 2012 book “Leveraging Corporate Responsibility.”

Schreiber’s full article is here. For more on this topic, watch for the spring issue of LeBow’s Market Street magazine, in which Korschun and Finance Professor Ed Nelling make a case for and against the value of CSR.

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