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Dragon Fund Wins RISE 14 Portfolio Competition

April 03, 2015

The Dragon Fund took first place in the University of Dayton’s annual RISE international student portfolio competition in the “core equity” category. Drexel LeBow’s student-managed fund placed at the top of a field of 60 schools based on its risk-adjusted performance in 2013.

The competition between student-managed portfolios is held annually in conjunction with the RISE (Redefining Investment Strategy Education) student investment conference and sponsored by the University of Dayton in association with the United Nations Global Compact.

Daniel Dorn, the Dragon Fund’s faculty advisor, says the win is a testament to the impressive performance of the fund’s portfolio. “From its inception through the end of 2013, the Dragon Fund has returned 13.6 percent per year. Its benchmark, the S&P 400 index of mid-cap U.S. stocks, returned 9.4 percent over the same period, and the MSCI USA (a benchmark for the broad U.S. stock market) yielded 6.4 percent.”

To view a full listing of winners, please visit the RISE 14 page.

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Headshot of Daniel Dorn

Associate Professor, Finance

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