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Drexel LeBow, GIC to Host Annual Monetary & Trade Conference on Housing and Foreclosures

May 12, 2011

Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business and the Global Interdependence Center will host the 29th Annual Monetary & Trade Conference on Tuesday, May 24, 2011. The main topic of the conference will be “Is Housing Ready for a Rebound? QE2, Housing and Foreclosures: Are they Related?”

The AMT Conference is an annual collaboration between GIC and LeBow aimed at convening top policy makers and business leaders on the important developments in international trade and global monetary policy. Speakers are drawn from the top echelon of policy makers, academics and business leaders.

Please contact Jillian Fornito if you would like to cover the event or for more information.

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LeBow Dean Emeritus and George B. Francis Professor of Finance George Tsetsekos, PhD, was awarded the Global Citizen Award by the Global Interdependence Center.