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Former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter Joins Drexel LeBow as Executive Fellow


April 14, 2016

Former City of Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter has joined Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business as Executive Fellow in Leadership. In this capacity, he will work with Drexel LeBow’s Institute for Strategic Leadership (ISL) to shape the future of the College’s leadership programs and the Leading for Change Fellowship - a grant-funded program designed to engage and accelerate Philadelphia senior/executive level talent development in the public and nonprofit sectors.

In addition, Nutter will enhance the LeBow experience for all students by delivering two public lectures on leadership at the College this year, as well as meet with students to mentor, coach and advise them on career development and leadership skills.

Alison Young, Executive Director of the ISL, says that Mayor Nutter has been a strong partner of Drexel LeBow’s Institute for Strategic Leadership (ISL) for years. “We are thrilled to continue our collaboration with him. In this role, he will provide invaluable coaching and mentoring to our students, present public lectures on leadership, and shaping the future and growth of the ISL.”

She continues: “During his tenure as Mayor, he was incredibly successful at promoting Philadelphia nationally and internationally. His real-world experience on big stages and his hands-on approach to leadership are a great embodiment of Drexel LeBow.”

Nutter says: “It is a great honor to have been asked by President John Fry, Dean Frank Linnehan and Alison Young to serve in this new role. The opportunity to work with this team at the Institute for Strategic Leadership, and to interact with rising leaders, some of whom are students and others who are already leaders in various industries and business sectors, will be an incredible experience for all of us.”

He continues: “I am very excited to be working at Drexel LeBow in a capacity that will benefit the Philadelphia region in the long term. Our collective goals are to encourage, develop and support the new young leaders of our City and region. Drexel LeBow has demonstrated its commitment to Philadelphia, our nation and the world through its innovative and engaging programs. I’m pleased and proud to be a part of this great team.”

LeBow College Dean Frank Linnehan says the students stand to benefit the most from Mayor Nutter’s new post at Drexel LeBow. “This is a great opportunity for our students, who will be able to engage with a leader who has been a force for change in our City.”

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“Leadership is about telling people what you want to do, where you want to go and finding ways to support it,” Nutter told attendees.

After 12 months of study, Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business’ first group of Fellows participating in Leading for Change: A Fellowship Program for Leaders in Public Service graduated in January 2015.