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Deloitte Consulting 3rd Annual Case Competition

April 28, 2014

LeBow hosted its third annual business technology case competition April 25 with corporate sponsor Deloitte Consulting. Winning team members included Kartik Sachdeva, Nigel Coehlo, George DiNicola, Shane O’Connor and Sijia Scarlett Zhou.

The weeklong competition brought together 30 undergraduate students from LeBow College of Business, College of Engineering and the College of Computing and Informatics forming six competition teams, along with leadership representatives and consultants from Deloitte.

Teams were presented with a complex case a week prior to the competition and had to develop and present innovative findings to a simulated client and board of Deloitte delegates at Deloitte’s Philadelphia headquarters on April 25. In addition, a number of Drexel alums, who are current Deloitte employees, attended the event and served as mentors to the teams. Alumni mentors included Eleni Christoforidou, Chris Walker, Lynn Lan, Adi Puri and Mike Knapp, and special thanks to Chloe Liu who helped organize the event for Deloitte.

“We were excited to host our third annual case competition with Deloitte Consulting,” said Lisa DeLuca, associate director of LeBow Undergraduate Career Services. “We had an overwhelming response from students, and we look forward to partnering with Deloitte next year to offer another unique experiential learning opportunity to our students.”

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