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Drexel LeBow PhD Landings


June 17, 2015

LeBow’s newly minted PhD grads are heading off to start their new careers at great institutions.

New PhD in accounting alumnus Michael Paz will join the Ivy League as he heads to Cornell University, where he will teach within the School of Hospitality Management.

His specific area of research interest is managerial accounting, including work on performance feedback, incentives and cost management. He hasn’t gotten his teaching assignment yet, but expects to be teaching introductory and upper-level courses in managerial accounting.

“I’m excited about a number of things. The department provides a great deal of research support, including access to proprietary data sources, which will be extremely helpful in achieving my research goals. The colleagues that I’ve met so far have also been very welcoming – I’ve received a number of e-mails from individual faculty members there once it was announced I had accepted the job.”

Also, he says he prefers colder weather and is happy to be heading north. “I’ll also be closer to my family in Rhode Island, something I’m happy about since it means I’ll be able to visit them more often.”

Here is the full list of 2015 PhD landings:

Xiaojie Sun – CSU San Marcos (PhD in Accounting) Thomas Zylkin – Heading to National University of Singapore for post-doctoral work (PhD in Economics) Zenghui Liu - Western Washington University (PhD in Accounting) Rachel Gordon - University of Missouri (PhD in Finance) Katrina Graham - Suffolk University (PhD in Management) Irina Stoyneva - Philadelphia University (PhD in Management) Lei Song - Stockton College (PhD in Marketing) Jaclyn Margolis - Visiting assistant professorship at Pepperdine University (PhD in Management)

Also worth noting – two PhD alums recently accepted new positions at the following institutions:

James DeNicco ’13 – Rice University (PhD in Economics) Scott Dust 013 - Miami University Ohio (PhD in Management)

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